Category: Social

  • Clue”run”do


    Running and solving clues in silly outfits what more could you want!

    Its not often you get to play a board game whilst running but at FLRC anything is possible . I am not sure if the residents of Ferring knew what had hit them on Saturday morning, when a whirlwind of Foxy Ladies blew into the village!

    A chilly wind gusted them into the car park at Bluebird Café, which they arrived at after solving the first online clue. Once at the starting point, the teams were given the rules and set off to find the murder location, weapon used and the culprit, along with a map and Cluedo tick sheet.

    The amazing super sleuths

    Whatever was missing in terms of rooms, suspect and weapon was the answer.

    Always fair always inclusive

    As always with every other foxy summer challenge we have ever done, we make it as fair as possible and available to all, regardless of pace and ability, age and fitness. Points were awarded based on the following.

    • Team Criteria – to include the following members, youth, vintage, injured (allowed to travel on wheels – we had scooters and bikes!) newbie and from a different running session.
    • Best team names
    • Outfits
    • First to start
    • Best pic with a banana
    • First to finish
    • Best video or photo collage showing their morning
    • Solving the murder
    The Suspects

    Our fab run leaders were dressed as the Cluedo suspects and dotted around various locations in Ferring that were marked on the team’s map. These along with lots of lovely Foxy volunteers, who were manning other locations and hiding weapons, were where the teams headed in their quest to solve the murder.

    Always a little hidden challenge

    Upon arrival at a location, they asked the suspect or volunteer for the room and in return for the answer, either had to perform a physical exercise, answer a question, roll a dice or perhaps even tell a joke, sing a tune or recite the alphabet backwards! The same system took place for the weapon and then they just had to guess who the suspect was by what they were wearing which I had hoped was obvious!

    Mapping it out

    They could choose to run to all locations and get extra bonus points, or try and solve it and hot foot it back to the start for maximum points.

    Once all the detective teams were back and gave in their accusations, they then refreshed with watermelon and oranges and we announced the murderer, room and weapon.

    It wasn’t until much later Saturday evening when all the teams had submitted their videos and photo collages that I was able to announce the results, once I had finished laughing at what they had all been up to in Ferring.

    Congratulations to all our members that took part and to The Baywatch Babes that won. As ever, this was just for fun so all they won was the kudos of coming first but they were happy with that.

    Thank you to all the run leaders and all the volunteers without whom it wouldn’t be possible to put on events like this. A big Thank You to the understanding member of the public in Ferring, local shop owners and the bus drivers!

  • Summer Challenge 2023….Foxes does Countdown

    Summer Challenge 2023….Foxes does Countdown

    6 out of 10 Foxes does Countdown

    Think Richard Whitely and Carol Vorderman then erase that from your mind and think more along the lines of Jimmy Carr, Rachel Ripley and inflatable hippos, buzzing bees, Harry Potters and nuns!! This is how Saturday 1st July unfolded.

    The Challenge

    All our summer challenges are designed to be a free fun event for club members to bring different people together that may not have met before and to have a laugh.

    The challenge this year simply put ….was a letter running relay with questions to solve a conundrum.

    In more detail….Members of the club were invited to form teams of six to take part. Bonus points were given if they included a new member, a vintage one (60+), a youth member, an injured fox, and someone from a different training session.

    A clue was released on our private Facebook page at 8am to give the location of the meet up point. This turned out be Shoreham FootBridge on the beach side.

    The injured team member (Team member no 1 -TM1) was left at the Footbridge where they would take part in a quiz and a series of challenges, including some conundrums and earn vital points for the team. The rest of the team were given clues to the next location where they found a former Countdown presenter (marshal). Each marshal asked a question to the next team member and when they got that right, they would be given some letters to run back to TM1. TM1 collected the letters which would form a conundrum once all the other 5 members were back at base. The distance between team members was approximately 0.5 miles, spread along the river path. Each time they received the letters, they had to run back to the team member before them.

    The Teams

    Teams submitted their team names prior to the event and were awarded points for clever, funn,y or imaginative names.

    Team names included The Rule Breakers, 6 go Conundrunning, The Yabbadabadoos, The Bounty Hunters, Taking The Mickey, Potters Plodders to name but a few.

    As 0815 rolled around so the teams appeared, and the efforts that had gone into the costumes and the characters was not only amazing but hilarious. Points were awarded to the teams in the order in which they arrived.

    From Top to Bottom : Hungry Hippos, The Proud Foxies and The Rule Breakers looking like they are lost!

    The Points

    As well as TM1 gathering points from the quiz, bonus points were given over the course of the morning for other achievements. Team names and outfits earnt points along with answering the questions at each marshal point and having a picture taken with a wooden object. They also obtained points by solving the conundrum, being the first team back with all the letters and for producing a photo collage or video of their morning. This levels out the fairness so it’s not all about the running or the speed at which you can complete the task.

    Entertaining the Public

    In past challenges, the public have absolutely loved being entertained by the antics and this year was no different. We had people sitting and watching the quiz take place whilst various team members ran back in their fancy dress over the footbridge with the letters. Ladies asking to join the club saying, “this is just what I am looking for”. After the event, we were told, that café owners were happy as customers bought extra drinks as they wanted to stay and watch the action along the high street. Some people took to social media sharing their pics and wondering what it was all about … just some women who love running having a bit of fun!

    The Winners

    It’s always a close race in terms of points and this year Potters Plodders claimed 1st place, just pipping The Rule Breakers to the post by 40 points. Closely followed by joint third place winners 6 go Conundrunning and The Queen Bees. To be honest everyone has such a fun morning that the winning is just the icing on the cake.

    Thank you

    Big thank you to all the marshals for giving up their time on a Saturday morning to help set up and be part of the madness. Massive thanks to all the teams that took part you went to so much thought and effort with the team names and outfits. Lastly thank you to Shoreham residents for putting up with our shenanigans hope you enjoyed the show!

  • Sorry we have been a bit quiet…..

    Sorry we have been a bit quiet…..

    It’s been a bit busy over the last 6 months…. what have we been up to?

    London to Brighton Bike Ride

    Back in June last year, a group of Foxes who had previously signed up in 2019 (pre pandemic) to the London to Brighton Bike Ride, finally got to take part. Ten members (plus a friend of the foxes Laura) swapped their running trainers for wheels, to challenge themselves and raise money for the British Heart Foundation a charity close to many of their hearts.

    With Leah (a tri-athlete and former half iron man competitor) at the helm, the group all trained hard. Often enduring the strong winds along the south’s coastal paths on lengthy training rides from Worthing to places like Rottingdean and back, or Bognor. Their training had to incorporate hills in preparation for some of the nasty ones along the route, thankfully this is something they all were familiar with from their hill running sessions. 

    The ladies meticulous planning and logistical prep worked well, however the hostel was 3 miles from the start at Clapham Common. Even with the scheduled start times the sheer number of participants and bikes on the road was overwhelming on occasions but spread out after the first 10 miles. The group naturally divided with the miles but they ensured in true foxy style that no fox was left behind. Sticking to one of the two groups of ladies they waited for each other at the fuel stops that were really well placed every few miles along the route. Extra vaseline, sun cream, food and hydration were applied, eaten and drunk when necessary and they considered themselves really lucky with the weather and only a couple of minor scrapes and no punctures! Ditchling Beacon was certainly a challenge and all the ladies were chuffed with their achievements up that mighty hill, some managing it non stop.

    All of the Foxy ladies Go Cycling group made it to the finish line triumphant, relieved and tired but absolutely buzzing with excitement at completing it.  They then had another few miles to get to Hove Station for bike pick up and the journey home. Even more rewarding was a few days after the ride seeing that they had raised over £2500 and in the top 5% of fundraisers for the event.

    Swim n Run

    Every summer for the first Monday of each month the Foxy Ladies pitch up at Arundel Lido at 6pm and swim 16th lengths and then run a 5km and why not! We encourage all our members to try something different whether its this or something else. This is a great way without any pressure to try out a mini aquathlon and to see if its for you before committing to a race.

    Its about the experience and sharing that experience with others that leaves people feeling so exhilarated after. Everyone that tried it out for the first time last year was so delighted that they had done it and said they would not have done it without the club and other members support but couldn’t wait for the next opportunity to try it again.

    The Lido is in an ideal location for a road or trail run after a brisk outdoor swim and the stunning Arundel Castle it’s back drop. The ladies hop out the water pull on their trainers and run off straight away to replicate minimal transition times as if they were to race. The Lido are very accommodating and staff always happy to help so why not give it a try.

    Races ….so many races

    As a club we take part in so many races every month so we often don’t really mention them apart from on our own club or personal social media. In 2022 we saw an absolutely magnificent amount of races and members attending them, mainly due to the fact that so many were postponed in the previous years. What we love as always is trying a new or different race, supporting our ladies around a course and being at the end for the all important race finish and obligatory pics.

    We tried out the new trail race at National Trust Leonardslee Gardens. That was a bit different, few different laps and a bit hilly in places and lots of lovely statues, trees and plants to look at whilst we ran.

    Marathon Heroes

    Our ladies race for themselves, but also often with others in mind. Usually for reasons very close to their hearts, sometimes for lost loved ones or their own personal challenges with illnesses. Most raising money for national or local charities. Whatever their reason or motivation they are never alone, the support on training runs from others foxy members or on the side lines is always immense.

    This year our ever inspiring members did that again training relentlessly through the summer for October Marathons, in London, Loch Ness and Beachy Head. They captured our hearts following their training journeys and then seeing them in action on the day. Well done to all our Marathon Heroes and Ultra-Marathon runners this year.

    (From left to right) Claire Boak, Heather Wincell, Jennifer Freeman and Philippa Barker with their London Marathon medals.

    The races continued with a small group travelling up North for the Great North Run and loving the route atmosphere and experience but perhaps not the travelling involved. We had another bumper turn out for the Great South Run, many doing it for the first time and making it their furthest distance, so it was good to talk about it afterwards over dinner at a great local restaurant.

    Enjoying a nice meal after the 10 mile event.

    Many more races have happened over the last 6 months too many to mention. We always attend the Chestnut Tree House Littlehampton 10km in September and every year the Foxes swarm in their masses to support Worthing 10km. This year it was in October, which was a refreshing change from the usual hot day we usually experience in June. Again, we saw many ladies complete this distance for their first time or come away with some great personal bests, all staying to cheer in the last foxy.

    Learn to Run … done!

    We also squeezed a new “learn to Run Course ” in September on a Thursday evening. We were delighted when all the ladies went on to graduate late in October, supported by existing Foxy members on a blustery seafront run. Completing their non-stop 5km and obtaining their certificate with pride. This group now have their own session they attend regularly.

    Festive Frolics

    The year finished with our usual festive antics. Our running routes included the charity lights in the Offington area and Saxifrage way. We also the obligatory town lights run and Soldier Trail that has become a familiar event in the Foxy Calendar. We had a huge turn out for the festive park run on Christmas Eve, some members achieving pbs even dressed as elves!!

    After Christmas we completed our annual Pier to Pier run. This year opting for the wind behind us and running from Worthing to Brighton instead before catching the train home. Last but by no means least approximately 30 members turned out in the pouring rain to get even wetter and muddier at the Brutal. This is an 8km course in the old Army base in Longmoor, Hampshire on New Years Eve. With waist high water, steep hills and muddy bogs to crawl through everyone did so well to come back with smiles on their faces and both shoes on their feet. We had whole families take part and we have the ultimate respect for our junior girls that took part that day as water levels were so high and conditions very bleak.

    That concludes the end to another fun packed running year for the Foxy Ladies Running Club. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2023.

  • The Great Big Foxy Treasure Hunt

    The Great Big Foxy Treasure Hunt

    It has become tradition in our club to have a fun, free annual summer event that basically involves running around in outfits, having a laugh and winning some points along the way.

    Previous years have seen the Great Escape around Cissbury Ring and surrounding areas, and The Enormous Escapade in Swanbourne Lake, Arundel.

    This year we had a slight twist on it, it was a treasure hunt with organised clues around some of the streets, promenade and town centre of Worthing.

    Half the club in attendance

    18 teams of 6 members took part and it was open to everyone including our youth members.  We aim to make these events as inclusive as possible so all our members can join in no matter their ability, fitness levels, pace or distance. Points were given based on team names, outfits, team criteria (to include injured, foxes from different sessions, young and older ladies), number of clue stops attended, best team photo with mystery item, team video and collages, first to the start and finish and bonus points collected en route for various tasks.

    Get going

    The spirits were high on arrival after solving the first clue issued on Facebook to get them to the start. We had marshals on bikes rotating, quickly cycling between different clue stops as the teams worked their way round. They were solving the clues and sometimes earning bonus points for things like burpees, bingo call outs or taking the stairs to the top of the multi-storey or simply taking team photos at certain points.

    The outfits are always a winner

    So much effort had gone into the outfits from pirates and royalty, to birds and fruit, from air stewards to super heroes and from inflatable poo’s to Abba and rainbow fairies!

    They made it

    There was a little chaos in the beginning when one team unknowingly went to the end destination, Beach House Gardens instead of Marine Gardens, after misreading the clue and then starting an hour behind everyone. They soon joined in and threw themselves into the fun.

    After 18 clues and about 3.5 miles almost every team made it to the finish, where they were greeted with refreshments and homemade cakes.

    Winners and points were announced later that day when everything had been collated and points awarded for videos and montages produced by the teams.

    It was a fabulous day with lots of effort from everyone, big thank you to all the teams that took part and all the leaders and marshals that helped make it happen.

  • The First ever Cissbury Ring Marathon Relay 2021

    The First ever Cissbury Ring Marathon Relay 2021

    Raising money for a life saving cause in memory of Nick Votta

    Here at Foxy Ladies Running club we pride ourselves on being one of the most supportive clubs around, more like a big family, so when something tragic happens to one of our members we all pull together to help them in any way we can.


    In June, one of our long-term members Sam Merrick lost her life partner Nick Votta of 35 years, in an unexpected heart attack, despite every effort to resuscitate him. He was a loving father of two, to his boys Matthew and Robbie. A real community-based man involved with the local Scouts organisation and always willing to lend a hand. He loved walking up Cissbury ring with his family and more recently with their foster dogs and of course the Findon Scout Group.

    We wanted to do something that celebrated his life and love for the countryside but that would also benefit the community. We set about organising the Cissbury Ring Marathon Relay in his memory. The aim being, to raise enough money for a defibrillator to be accessible in the local area for walkers, runners and cyclists.


    The Foxy members were asked to take part in teams of eight and to pay an entrance fee per person to raise the necessary funds. We were overwhelmed with the response and received a whopping sign up of 19 teams. With permission given from the National Trust to run through the ring and along the inside, we mapped out a route that was 1.2 miles, which meant 22 laps in total, equating to 26.4 miles, just over a marathon distance for each team.


    On a cold, windy but sunny November morning about 150 Foxy Ladies traipsed up the steep hill to the start line. Some in fancy dress or team colours and some with face paints but all with a great spirit. Picnic rugs were laid down and teams set about organising themselves and keeping warm. Flasks of hot drinks were produced, a cake table was set up and team attire was arranged.


    The lap had one upward hill climb to start and then into the biting wind followed by a more sheltered and down hill return. Ladies ran in pairs from each team, not only for company but for safety although the route was well covered by all our lovely volunteer marshalls. The laps were marked up on the scoreboard and it was exciting to see them being crossed off every time the ladies came in.

    A few hours later all had completed their team marathons, even our youth girls aged 14 -18 took part and often helped other teams out by running laps for them. It was an emotional day for all that took part. Sam and her team “Vottas Vixens” all ran the last lap together in their specially designed red t-shirts. We are grateful to our club members and to all their partners for marshalling and volunteering on the day. All members were rewarded with a bespoke medal designed especially for the event and a unique one for Sam.

    Members of the public also donated money on the day and purchased some of the lovely homemade cakes during the event. We were lucky enough to have another Foxy husband, Gareth Blower run the London Marathon back in October and the sponsorship he raised of £625 has gone directly to this cause.

    The best news is that we have raised enough money to provide two rural defibrillators. This is in conjunction with The Sussex Heart Charity who provide a grant system to help with purchase, organisation and training of the defibs. We have now been given permission to place one up near Cissbury Ring and the other at Storrington Rise car park in their special cases and within a thermal bag to protect the defibs from the elements.

    We hope these devices may never be needed but if they help to save just one life, then it has been very worthwhile.

  • The Enormous Escapade

    The Enormous Escapade

    Biggest turnout yet

    “Can we do this every week” “The best morning ever” “I felt like a kid again” “So much fun” were some of the comments flying around after our second ever “prison break” style event, this year named The Enormous Escapade. Everyone was buzzing after the mornings activities and then the photos started pouring in and the laughing began.

    This year we had a massive 17 teams turn out with 5 or 6 members. All in amazing fancy dress and with funny team names, they had to solve a clue and meet at the mystery start point.

    Arundel bound

    Once the clue was solved which led them to the back of Swanbourne Lake in Arundel, the games could begin. They had the option to win a leader by throwing a ball in to a cone and then select one lucky leader from the 118 pack! Teams stuck in their packs of 6 and socially distanced to avoid breaking any Covid 19 health & safety guidance.

    Points mean prizes…or just points!

    With rules clearly outlined and the various ways to win points confirmed, they set off with the main aim being to get as far away as they could. Once at their location they had to send a pin drop and a team photo with the packet of skittles given to them at the start. They then had to make it back to base for 11am and not before.

    Points were also awarded for best team name, fancy dress, team photo, team criteria (mixing up members – new, experienced, from different sessions), arriving on time to right locations, winning a leader, returning on time. This way it was not all about the running but more the team spirit which was absolutely in abundance.

    Everyone’s a winner

    All the teams were back by 11am and to avoid a stampede to the volunteers starting table, another game of ball in the bucket decided the points for finishing on time. Refreshments were served and all the teams were happy, slightly damp and some a little bedraggled but elated. Some teams had run through fields and up n down hills , some had gone through the town, others to Arundel castle, some along the river, some in the playground and others visited the nearby convent! I heard the residents and visitors of Arundel were absolutely delighted to see the fancy dressed teams darting about, many were stopped and asked to have pictures or told “they had made their day”.

    Once back home the locations were mapped “as the crow flies” and points awarded. The results and hundreds of hilarious photos of the teams in action posted on our private group page. We had joint winners of “Nuns on the Run” and “50 Shades of Age” our colour pencil crayons. As you will see from the photos so much effort was made by the teams and we were all left buzzing after such a successful event. Great to be back together as a club after a particularly difficult 16 months. Massive well done to every who took part.

  • What’s been going on?

    What’s been going on?

    Well you maybe wondering why it’s been so quiet on the Foxy Ladies Blog post for a few months. That’s because we have been so busy. Even during this third and hopefully final lockdown, where we have been restricted to running with just one other we have managed to find time to put a lot of fun into our running.

    What have we been up to?

    You may have seen in our January blog we got creative with “running map art” and the virtual team Colour Challenge . Since then we tasked our members with a streak challenge. The ladies set their own length of streak, some chose a few days on the trot, others aimed for a week or two. Some members achieved the whole of January, running everyday and raising money for various charities along the way. A few well experienced runners even went beyond that, eventually finishing in February or March. Foxy Lady Kari, finished with a very impressive 100 day streak and some ladies are still going now squeezing a mile a day in between other runs to keep the streak alive! We witnessed ladies pushing themselves way beyond the goals they set which was fantastic.

    It was not compulsory to take part in any of our challenges, they are just there if the members want to. Most of them receive a good response and we hoped by setting different aims there would be something that appeals to everyone. Depending on how the Ladies prefer to operate – solo, pairs or virtual teams and what they enjoy doing, there was hopefully a task set to suit. There were more serious ones for those that like to push themselves. Or funny light hearted ones like spotting and jotting things. Ones to appeal and express mental health, with emotion and feeling led posts. Others to take them out of their comfort zone and to try new and different things.

    Challenge Accepted

    Over the last 3 months here are some of the Foxy challenges the ladies took part in;

    • #5kbpb which was helping a run buddy gain their 5km personal best
    • #Frebruage – run your age in miles/ Km’s within the month of February or within a week or double it if they could.
    • Duathlon – Bike / Run /Bike varying levels available depending on ability and a family option to get the kids involved.
    • LOVE – to tie in with Valentines day the ladies were given a week to say something on every run post that they LOVE about that run or running in general
    • #trysomethingnew involved options for the ladies to try on each of their runs- see below
    • #Runthemeanstreets – run every street in a small zone close to your home – you will be amazed how many miles you clock up!
    • Frebemoji – post only with emojis, reply in comments only in emojis – a lot harder than you think.
    • DUOSPOTATHON – the ladies could work in pairs to tick random items of lists and rewarded with different level status from Bronze through to Platinum, depending on number of items ticked off.
    • #lockdownrunninglife to identify a ➕positive a ➖negative and ✅something they achieved during the 3rd lockdown whilst running.

    What else?

    As well as all these challenges we also continued with twice weekly online strength sessions. We had some live “cook along with me” online cooking classes. This was a fun way to get together to make healthier choices for pre or post run fuel. We made protein & energy balls, cereal bars, overnight oats and stacked yoghurts along with tasty homemade granola whatever like it.

    St Patricks day – Craic 10k

    62 Foxy Ladies signed up to support the Spar Craic virtual 10k on 17th March making us the second biggest team taking part. Turning out in green running wear or fancy dress to take part in this big event that was live streaming through out the day led by our very own Emerald Isle leader Sinead.

    Last but by no means least

    Many of our ladies have also been taking part in some of the virtual charity runs or challenges that have been taking place. These have come in many different guises: either month long challenges, completing a set number of miles; or virtual races set on a certain day and all raising money for great causes.

    Although these challenges have kept our members busy and perhaps offered them some headspace outside of home, family and work life, what has been testament to our club culture is the way the ladies have supported each other at such a unpredictable time. Well done Foxy Ladies for getting through the latest Lockdown.

  • Bringing a little colour to the grey wintery days.

    Bringing a little colour to the grey wintery days.

    The Foxy Ladies members remain colourful throughout this team challenge.

    We all know how hard it is to stay motivated to go out for a run in the COLD or RAIN or WIND or in the dark on a frosty evening or when its still covered with a blanket of ice first thing in the morning. So what better way to keep going then with the support of a virtual team taking part in the fun Colour Challenge?

    Communication is key

    As well as encouraging the members to keep going out running for their mental and physical health, we also wanted this challenge to be about communication. To involve members that are perhaps more remote and don’t have access to a +1 running buddy at the moment, or those living alone or having to shield or isolate. To have a bit of banter, exchange messages and photos with like-minded people in a “WhatsApp” or “Messenger” group can really make a difference to someone’s day, especially at the moment with the current pandemic affecting everyone’s lives in some shape or form.

    Team tasks and tactics

    The members were tasked with choosing a colour for their team which they must try to wear during the challenge and provided with a shopping list of tasks they had to complete as a whole team. Each team consisted of 5 members and 20 teams took part. Their shopping list looked like this;

    They had to plan which team member would cover which task on which day – lots of the Foxy ladies members are taking part in RED (Run Every Day) for charity or continuing a previously set streak challenge which meant quite a few could easily tick off item no 2. run every day with just one team member!

    Their were adaptions made for injured members or newer less experienced runners and everyone wholeheartedly embraced all the tasks.


    The 20 teams were then asked to evidence their tasks and publish their photos in any form of media onto the clubs private Facebook page. Some teams produced imaginative collages and others individual photos of collective tasks, we also received some amazing creative videos.

    The 20 teams who took part all donned team colours!

    After seeing the team’s presentations of the challenge, it was clear to see they had all really enjoyed it and had put a lot of time and effort into doing it. The feedback was great, they had a lot of fun taking part, some trying new things they hadn’t done before, meeting new foxy members or running or chatting with members from different groups. It also helped pass another week of lockdown and most importantly new lines of communication have opened and new friendships made.

  • The Great Escape

    The Great Escape

    Prison Break Foxy Style

    An idea had been brewing in my head for many months about arranging a Prison Break style run for our members, originally planned for the end of May. Corona quashed a lot of our well laid plans but when restrictions eased we were able to go ahead with the planned “Great Escape” on the 12th July.

    Solving clues before the off

    Members organised themselves into teams of 5 or 6, named their teams appropriately (there were some hilarious team names) donned outfits or fancy dress and wearing war paint were geared up for the game ahead. A poem with clues and some photos were released on facebook at 8am. This gave them the mystery meeting point and they were tasked to get their whole team there for the start at 0845. Some teams didn’t quite get all the clues from the poem and some had difficulty finding the stone in the middle of Cissbury but eventually everyone was together (sticking to social distance rules) and the games could begin.

    Win a leader

    Each team had questions to answer about their leaders and were able to win a leader (if in team of five) to help them on their quest, if not they won points which went towards their grand total. Points were also awarded for best outfits, team names, first team back, furthest distance ran, team photos and getting the team to the start.

    Eleven teams took part and set off from the middle of Cissbury Ring just after 9am and had 45 minutes to run as far as possible and then take a group photo in their location and send a map or pin drop for the distance to be calculated later ….. as the crow flies.

    Running amok all over Cissbury

    Some teams choose rural routes taking them on hilly climbs, some took to the roads and headed for the seafront, others were strategic in not running too far away so they could be first back and some went and took it easy in their team members back garden!!

    It was a really hot day but so many laughs were had and they all did so well, encouraging their team members some of whom they had not met before the day. When they returned back to base, tired from the running and the heat, they were rewarded with cold watermelon and oranges and water to freshen them up.

    Scores were totted up afterwards and distances calculated and MADgirlsONNA run were the overall winners. Well done to all our teams and Leaders that took part thank you for giving up your Sunday mornings

    As the event was such a success and after receiving many members requests this will now become an annual event. Wahoo!

  • Charity Clothes Swap raises money for great causes!

    Charity Clothes Swap raises money for great causes!

    Leah Simms one of our new run leaders and club member for a few years, organised a charity clothes swap event for the members. The aim, to pass on and exchange preloved or new sports wear whilst raising money for good causes.

    Members were invited to donate 5 clean unwanted sports items of their own either on the night or in the preceding weeks. They then paid £5 entrance fee and were allowed to take home 5 items , any additional items required were charged at 50p an item.  Ladies were asked to vote where the money went, the charities that benefitted are ones close to our members hearts.

    The ladies were absolutely delighted with their purchases many leaving with bag full’s and others with one of two carefully selected items. Donations included brand new sports bras, Nike trainers, Sweaty Betty leggings, Nike and Adidas shorts and running tights.  Plus there were gym tops vest t-shirts running jackets, high vis attire, swimming accessories, hats, new morphs and gloves.

    The evening was such a success, we raised £170 in one hour and this has  been divided between the two charities voted for are Chestnut Tree House and St Barnabas. The money has been donated via sponsorship to ladies that are running marathons and trekking in their names.

    Left over items will be used for another similar event later in the year.

    Thank you To Sue Hart for the loan of the venue.

    Leah with her clothes swap bargains
    Leah with her clothes swap bargains