Welcome to Foxy Ladies Running Club
The largest and friendliest female running club in Sussex!
Let’s get going…
Here at Foxy Ladies we welcome EVERYONE from complete beginners who start on our learn to run course, through to marathon and ultra-marathon runners.
The ethos of our club is firmly based around fun and fitness. A physical activity only becomes enjoyable if you are having fun, kept interested, working out with like-minded people and are being challenged.
We have organised training sessions for all levels and abilities 6 days a week, morning and evening allowing flexibility in attendance as we understand childcare needs, shift work and family, lifestyle commitments. We operate “free runs” on a Monday, Wednesday and Sunday and if that wasn’t enough you can join any of our members at any time during the week or weekend on their runs.
Our private Facebook group page allows members to share their runs without any pressure of the general public looking at distances or pace.
We pride ourselves on being one of the most supportive and encouraging clubs around and we never leave a fox behind!
All our Run Leaders hold the “LIRF” Leader In Running Fitness qualification from England Athletics and are covered by the public liability insurance that comes with the qualification. In addition all our run leaders have separately insured themselves with public liability and professional indemnity insurance. Head Coach holds the “CIRF” Coach In Running Fitness qualification. All Foxy Ladies Leaders and Coach are DBS Checked and hold First Aid in Sport Certifications.
Foxy Ladies are part of Run Together, which has been created by England Athletics, the membership and development body for grassroots athletics and running in England. To provide fun, friendly, inclusive, running opportunities for everyone in England. We support “This Girl Can” Campaign, funded by the National Lottery, it believes there’s no right way to get active but whatever your chosen form of exercise, we think its worth celebrating.
Working Together
We believe that running is just one part of an all round fitness process. We work closely together with sports therapists, yoga teachers, Podiatrists, Nutritionists, PT instructors and Fitness groups to offer options advice and recommendations together for you. We encourage and support other local businesses and have discounts available at local running footwear and sports clothing shops.
Club Information
Our Sessions
Our training sessions are planned on an 8 week cycle concentrating on one discipline for the duration. This means you can feel and see improvement in that area which in turn should benefit your overall endurance runs. The sessions are different each week which adds variety, piques interest and keeps the sessions fresh and enjoyable. Sessions include building distance, hill training, speed and interval work, abc’s – agility balance and coordination, trails and strength & conditioning, giving you an all round knowledge and practice of the running disciplines.
Learn to Run Courses
We offer an 8 week “Learn to Run” Course aligned with the Run Together programme, which takes you gradually from 0-5km. We build the distance gradually so that your body gets used to it, you stay motivated and less likely to pick up injuries. This concludes in our graduation run which we celebrate with existing club members at the end of the eight weeks. You are then invited to become a club member and we continue your journey gradually giving you a taster of some of the skills and disciplines essentially needed for running.
Foxy Cubs & Active Youths
We encourage you to get the family involved and there are often special sessions put on with the children in mind. Whether it’s attending the local park run as a family bi-monthly or mini miles at races, or the sessions laid on over the school holidays at parks, playing fields or beach greens. We are now also very proud to offer an Active Youth session especially for 14-18 year olds on a Saturday morning. We also actively participate in #runandrevise, a scheme encouraging those teenagers studying for GCSE and A levels exams to take a break from the books and attend a session free of charge to clear their heads and get some fresh air.
Little Extras
By becoming a foxy member you will also have access to our private Facebook pages where you can seek knowledge advice and tips from those more experienced. We also offer our members access to private strength and conditioning classes, free workshops – subjects have included foot injury and prevention, marathon preparation & training guidance, nutritional advice and recipe ideas. We are also really pleased to be able to support local and national businesses and offer member discounts with them. from essential services through to gifts and treatments. We give our members the option to try new challenges like aquathons and triathlons, bootcamps, mud runs, bike rides, pole fit, yoga and much more.
Do you want to have fun whilst getting fitter?
Have more energy, challenge yourself and spend time outdoors?
Learn running techniques and disciplines?
Be part of one of THE most encouraging clubs in West Sussex?
Fancy joining us ?
Happy Foxes

Meet the Team
All our wonderful qualified Run Leaders have undertaken the “LIRF” Leader in Running Fitness Course through England Athletics. Julia is qualified “CIRF” Coach in Running Fitness.
Find out a bit more from the ladies that coach our members….
Head Coach since 2014 and qualified Sports Nutritionalist
I took up running in 2006 after having our three children to get a break and some much-needed head space, it was the perfect escape. My love for running grew and so did the distances and number of races I entered. I did my first marathon in London 2010, with a ballot place. Since then I have completed a further two marathons in Brighton and London, I’m now happy to stick to half marathons, 10 milers and 10kms.
I love trying new races and never look at the race route before hand as would prefer not to know what is in store, my favourite ones are trails.
I run whatever the weather and just love the outdoors, my favourite place to run is across the downs.
I now get my biggest kicks from seeing our ladies achieve goals they have set themselves, whether that is going non-stop up a hill for the first time or running their furthest distance we celebrate each and every success and I find it so rewarding supporting others in their running journey.
I hope my positivity, encouragement and determination helps to inspire our ladies. I don’t give up easily on anything and I like to think that some of that rubs off on our members.
Run leader since Aug 2017
I started running in 2011 after completing the London to Brighton bike ride and getting a “buzz” for a finish line.
With 3 London Marathons and goodness knows how many half/10k races under my belt I can honestly say my highlight has been completing the Worthing 10k with ladies that started in my first learn to run group and taking each one through to the finish. Their achievement meant so much to me and it was an honour to be part of that.
My favourite place to run is the South Downs, I never get bored of the sights up there and the sense of freedom.
Hastings has been a lucky place for me to race, gaining great times in the town half marathons and 10k seafront event.
Whether its town, trail or coast running its the best therapy and I will keep chewing my friends and families ears off about it for a lifetime.
Run Leader since February 2019
I joined Foxy Ladies Running Club just over 5 years ago after being persuaded by a school mum who had recently joined.
I had always been intrigued by running and had a fascination with London Marathon. I watched it on television every year in awe of all the runners but I never had the confidence to give running a go and certainly didn’t consider myself the ‘sporty type’ – I didn’t even own a pair of proper trainers!!!
However having had children, it was becoming apparent that I needed to do something to get fit in order to keep up with them, so I plucked up the courage to contact Julia and signed up for a Learn 2 Run Course.
Becoming a Foxy Lady is one of the best decisions I have ever made as I fell in love with running from the moment I started. I am now fitter and more confident and have achieved goals I never thought would be possible. I have also made some wonderful life-long friendships along the way.
My favourite place to run is on the trails where you often feel you have the world to yourself and I love the sense of freedom it gives you. It’s my little bit of ‘me time’ where I can unwind, collect my thoughts and clear my head.
When Julia invited me along to Foxy Ladies in January 2014 I was a little hesitant. After a week or two I was hooked and lifelong friendships were made.
As my fitness improved I entered some races and progressed steadily. Then in my 50th year I completed the Brighton Marathon. Since then I have also enjoyed Aquathons and a Triathlon.
Foxy Ladies has helped my self confidence immensely. The support and encouragement of others pushes everyone to be the best they can. I am now looking forward to using my experiences and knowledge to support others.
Even though I was pretty sporty at school, I never really liked running and like many girls when I left school, sport was not top of my priority list. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20’s that I joined a gym, mainly for the socialising. I would occasionally run on the treadmill but I can’t say I really enjoyed it.
Life got busy, I had two children, I started a business and suddenly I was 40 and I had an unexpected urge to get fit. I started running as a cheap and convenient form of exercise and a friend suggested I joined the Foxy ladies.
I joined the Foxy ladies on a cold January morning back in 2018 thinking it would motivate me to keep fit. The Foxy ladies has given me so much more than I ever imagined. My love for running is immense and this is due to the incredible ladies I run with, who are now life long friends. I’m healthier and fitter but more importantly my love for running has given me a real sense of achievement, freedom and opened new opportunities.
Running across the South Downs or crossing the finish line of an organised event with friends and family is incredibly rewarding and definitely gives me that happy elated joy that money can’t buy.
As a leader, I hope to share my exhilaration and jubilation for running and help others to achieve their personal goals.