Run4Louis “down south”

4Louis Fun Run

On 8th August, 51 Foxy Ladies and six of their fox cubs took part in the 4Louis 5K Fun Run “Down South”.  The 4Louis 5K Fun Run is organised by the Darlingon Harriers (up North!) . For us Foxy Ladies that is just a bit too far to travel…! In true foxy spirit, five creative foxes decided to organise their own spin off fun run “Down South”.  The fun run took place at Goring Gap and followed a loop, finishing off along the sea front.  The fox cubs ran the children’s “mini mile” on the day around the field. 

Foxy Ladies and their cubs who were unable to attend ran their own virtual fun runs from wherever they were in the country! Everyone who took part received a gorgeous 4Louis pin badge and the top three runners won handmade medals produced by a fabulous foxy friend.  Once the runs were over, everyone enjoyed the delicious cakes that were made and brought along.  The event was a great success (despite the rain!) and we managed to raise a whopping £740 for 4Louis.

About 4Louis

4Louis is a UK charity based in Sunderland and founded by Louis’ parents Kirsty and Michael.  In 2009, Kirsty and Michael lost their baby boy Louis at 38 weeks of pregnancy.  They realised that there was very little support and memory making available for families who experience miscarriage, still birth, baby, or child death.  Every day in the UK 15 babies die either before, during or soon after birth.  1 in 4 pregnancies sadly end before 12 weeks. The charity provides the staff of hospitals and hospices with the tools and equipment to capture precious memories of families’ babies and children. They also fund study days, conferences, and courses for health professionals to improve their knowledge and help support families at this incredibly difficult time.

About the run organisers

The 4Louis 5K Fun Run “Down South” was organised by five special Foxy Ladies who met and became friends through the running club.  Michelle, Emma, Caroline, Karen, and Anya have all experienced the loss of a baby.  They catch up regularly either for a run, breakfast or often a glass of wine to chat and share their experiences.  Having the support of each other, especially on anniversaries, has provided a huge comfort for them. 

Following the success of last year’s 4Louis virtual run and the overwhelming support the ladies have received from their fellow foxes, it only seemed right to organise a Fun Run “Down South”!They hope that this will become a regular fixture in the foxy calendar and that opening up about their experiences will allow other women and their families the opportunity to talk about baby loss. You can read more about their stories

Written By Emma Hill

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