Celebrating our magnificent Marathon Runners

Brighton Marathon 10th April 2022

At Foxy Ladies we celebrate all achievements big or small. A marathon is a pretty big deal especially if it’s your first one or you have been waiting a long time to do it. These remarkable 11 ladies between them ticked almost every box between

  • First time marathon runner
  • First road marathon
  • Deferred from previous years
  • Short lead up training time
  • Experienced marathon runner (in double figures)
  • Injuries and illnesses like covid to contend with during training
  • From complete beginner to marathon runner in a year

Experienced or first timer

Experience does count for a lot and with every marathon you learn a bit more about your body, what it can handle and how it behaves during those long periods on your feet, both in training and on the day. You learn when to fuel and what to take and when you have overdone it! You learn to practice with everything from the clothes you wear, to the pace you go, through to what you might eat the day before or amount of fluids to consume in the week building up and you learn that rest is just as important as a run.

Having said that, there is something very special about experiencing it all for the first time and being in awe of what you have achieved both physically and mentally. That feeling of taking on a mammoth challenge, with all the training and brain space it can occupy and then knowing you have overcome everything and succeeded. The thrill of the heavy medal being placed around your neck as you cross over the finish line, barely able to string any sentence together (or was that just me!) yet wanting to tell anyone that will listen what you have just completed.

From zero to hero in a year

In this fabulous group of ladies we have some women that have been running for a number of years with this being their first time. They have built up gradually over time and only entered for it when feeling more confident and comfortable with their running. Others that have already run two or more marathons. In complete contrast one lady Melissa, has gone from joining Foxes for a “learn to run” course and then completing a marathon in a year which is incredible. This shows her determination, drive and discipline. Everyone is different and you must do these things (if you ever wish to) when it feels right for you.

26.2 miles

It was a sunny but windy day when these ladies embarked on their marathons. They all had family and friends around the course to support them. The orange and black army of Foxy supporters had spread themselves far and wide making sure our runners had a cheer squad every few miles.

As they came back through the power station and onto the promenade for those last few miles, the wind was into their faces but it didn’t stop them or their smiles that were caught on camera that day. Even the ladies that unfortunately picked up nasty calf injuries still completed it, taking it sensibly down from running to walking where needed, true testament to their strength of character and resilience.

Our Foxy Marathon runners, we are extremely proud of you and what you have achieved and you now join the 1% of the British population that have run a marathon 26.2 miles. Congratulations to you all.


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